Podcast: Romantic History:
Waterloo to the British Museum
London Review of Books 26/4/22

Neil MacGregor joins Rosemary Hill to discuss the circulation of artefacts throughout Europe in the years after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, and the growth of public collections like the British Museum.

link will take you to the LRB website podcast

Podcast: Romantic History:
The Bayeux Tapestry
London Review of Books 12/4/22

Rosemary Hill talks to Roey Sweet about the new breed of multi-disciplinary investigators, who studied everything from woollen threads to tombstones in their efforts to imagine the past.

link will take you to the LRB website podcast

Podcast: Romantic History: Balmoral Castle
London Review of Books 23/3/22

Rosemary Hill talks to Colin Kidd about the myths and traditions of Scottish history created in the 19th century, and the central role of Walter Scott in forging his country’s identity.

link will take you to the LRB website podcast

Podcast: Romantic History: Salisbury Cathedral
London Review of Books 16/3/22

Rosemary Hill is joined by Tom Stammers to consider how an argument over the ‘improvement’ of Salisbury Cathedral in 1789 launched a new attitude to the past and its artefacts.

link will take you to the LRB website podcast

Theory of Architecture

Dr Rosemary Hill is a writer, historian, independent scholar and author of 'God’s Architect', a biography of the Gothic Revival architect, A.W.N. Pugin and 'Stonehenge', a history of one of Britain’s greatest and least understood monuments. In this episode we cover Pugin, Stonehenge and clothes. In conversation with Bruce Buckland.

Also available on iTunesSpotifyPodbean

Podcast: One's Self-Washed Drawers
London Review of Books 28/3/18

In her LRB Winter Lecture, Rosemary Hill looks at women and clothes, and what happens between them, in life and literature. Subjects include Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, E.M. Delafield, Schiaparelli and Mae West.

Read the lecture here: What does she think she looks like?

Podcast: One's Self-Washed Drawers
London Review of Books 29/6/17

In this podcast, Rosemary Hill discusses The Good Bohemian: The Letters of Ida John edited by Rebecca John and Michael Holroyd

link will take you to the LRB website podcast playe

British propaganda in the Second World War: Rosemary Hill
London Review of Books 24/1/17

Rosemary Hill looks at British propaganda from the Second World War, including the work of Abram Games and Edward McKnight Kauffer.

Read more from Rosemary Hill on British propaganda here: Britain is Your Friend

What is a weekend? The Dowager Countess asks a good question in Downton Abbey, with Rosemary Hill
London Review of Books 19/7/16

Rosemary Hill explains why the Dowager Countess's question in Downton Abbey is quite reasonable.

Read more of Rosemary Hill on English country houses: Do put down that revolver

Rosemary Hill on Angela Carter's poetry
London Review Bookshop 26/1/16

Rosemary Hill discusses Angela Carter's poetry and early career, and introduces her new edition of the poems, 'Unicorn'.

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Rosemary Hill though her Literary Agent DGA Literary Agents 

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